Friday, March 28, 2014

Are you committed to your commitment?

    Saw this post on Facebook today and have seen other stories like this and they always truly inspire me. I think what's missing in so many relationships today is that true unforsaken love that isn't met just for anyone. I've watching so many of my friends and family get into relationships without having the real commitment and love to make it work, and speaking of the word WORK.
    Relationships ARE WORK! They aren't easy, they don't just come naturally, you can't just be with someone and have everything be like a fairy tale. I know that a lot of people believe that love is this magic word that means because you love someone the rest of your lives together are just going to be perfect and that is just a mythical thought people.
    Relationships are not easy, they are not fairy tale, they take a lot of work, compromise, stress and giving. So why is all of this worth it? Because if you TRULY love the person you want to spend the rest of your life with then it is worth that fight, that work and all the hard times because the reward is an everlasting relationship with your best friend. You get the joys of spending all those special moments, the security of that persons arms and knowing that they will always be there for you. You get true love and when you have TRULY experienced this in your relationship it's a whole new kind of magical that you don't find in fairy tale movies. It's better.
    So one last thing on this video I'm posting. Just a little challenge for yourself. You don't need to share with me or anyone else but I want you to look deep inside your heart and really put some effort into imagining this scenario I'm about to give you and then answer the question. Find out just how much your relationship means to you.
For just a moment imagine that the person you love whether it be your significant other or your spouse has been in a terrible accident. Not only have they been disfigured but they are also brain damaged and unable to care for themselves anymore. They are not the same person you knew before the accident, they will require a lot more work, they won't be able to do things for you they once could, or even talk to you the way they once could, they won't look the same to you. Now really bury yourself if this image of your loved one and then ask yourself with all these changes and all the extra commitment and work your loved ones are going to need...will you stay by their side?

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